In 1937 Walt Disney fulfilled a dream and created the world first fully animated feature film: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Now over 50 films later celebrate Disney Animation in this collector edition Monopoly game. From Pinocchio and Peter Pan to The Little Mermaid and Frozen players can imagine and recall the beloved stories magical characters and unforgettable family memories. In this edition players move around the Disney-themed gameboard building hotels and houses buying Disney Movies Vehicles Magical Objects and creating new Disney family memories. Includes gameboard 6 tokens 28 Title Deed cards 16 Magic Mirror cards 16 Ariel's Treasure Chest cards 32 houses 12 hotels 2 dice money pack and game guide. Celebrate the magic and memories of 80 years of Disney animation Features Magic Mirror cards and Ariel's Treasure Chest cards Features 6 tokens from different Disney films throughout the years Includes special Mickey Mouse Sorcerer Apprentice Hat token Cards reference Disney movies characters and special moments.