As long as the tags are still attached and/or the item is in its original packaging (unopened), all new and unused items (excluding Final Sale) are eligible for an exchange or refund within 30 days of receipt. Gift returns will be converted to store credit, and returns and exchanges are free. That means we’ll cover shipping and restocking, free of charge. We do, however, ask that the product be shipped back to us with adequate packaging material so the original packaging is not compromised in transit.

Return Restrictions: Return restrictions can be placed on accounts that have exceeded our threshold for returns. If you have: (i) returned more than $7,500 of merchandise in the last 12 months, and (ii) sent back over 80% of the value of your purchases made in the last 12 months, your account will be subject to a modified return policy and not eligible for free returns. While we will still accept back returns under the modified return policy: (x) your returns will be subject to a 15% restocking fee, (y) you will be required to obtain a return authorization number, and (z) you will need to purchase any return postage needed to return the merchandise to us. Upon receiving back returns, we will refund you 85% of the value paid for the item(s). To remove the modified return policy from your account, we require that your return rate falls below 50% of the value of your returned purchases over a twelve-month period.